
Frontiers of Dreams and Fears

I just came back from the “Film Week” event, that took place in Kuwait University, Department of English Language and Literature. The first movie shown this week, tonight, was Frontiers of Dreams and Fears (Ahlam Al-Manfa).

It was stunning! It really was. I was so moved, I am so moved!
Exactly as one of the audience has said, we are used to statistics and numbers when it comes to realizing the pain and struggle of the people and children of Palestine, and this movie helped us realize even more the tribulation they have. We saw tears, laughs, ruins, hands held together, bullets, children..
Everything that could move a human being.

From the very first scene, showing Mona walk in the neighborhood, I was so grateful to Allah for everything I have. Their neighborhood was a typical poor neighborhood that basically looked as if it was made of ruins put together. I felt a rush of gratitude for having such a beautiful neighborhood to live in, such a cozy fancy house to live in, such a peaceful safe homeland to live in. It’s such a blessing, we might sometimes forget to be thankful for.

Frontiers of Dreams and Fears, is very well edited. I wish it could be shown all over the world, not only for people to realize the Palestinian situation, but also for them to realize the struggle of our human brothers and sisters.

For all my brothers and sisters in Palestine and in every place in the world where they have been driven away from their land:
Have faith, and believe that the One who created this universe will elevate the injustice, and that he will return the land to its people. And may Allah strengthen your hearts and guide your way.

About the film

To watch the film


Mar Yoom said...

I'm finally able to comment:)
AND I'm the first ever to comment on your blog, do I get a prize or something?:P (I like chocolate thank you very much;P)

By the way, beautiful written post.. I'd very much love to watch the film and I will (just as soon as this crazy week finishes n I get my Oh Lovely Weekend:) Thanks a bunch for the links!

Looking forward to read more of your posts:)

Ivory said...

Hehe :) Thank YOU for the tips and for being the 'first ever to comment' ;)
and Yes, you'll have a prize!
treat yourself to a delicious (Italian Hot Chocolate) from Chocolate Bar. It'll be the most rewarding feeling in this cold weather!
When i had my first sip of it, i felt like Cindrella!
and consedring that the prize is from me, i'll pay you for it if we ever meet ;P if we dnt meet, i'll send you the money :P
But really, drink Italian Hot Chocolate!! and remember thats from Chocolate Bar! lol!

Mar Yoom said...

Oh girl, I was in a zombie state and getting ready for bed and I just checked your blog and NOW my dear old pillow is the least of my worries and all I can think of is hot hot chocolate from the chocolate bar!

Well I guess we all know what I'll be dreaming about today:)

Must pay the chocolate bar a visit this weekend! And go for the Italian:)

I just love their ad, the one that goes "Who needs love, I'd rather fall in chocolate!"

So Very True, eh?;P

Ivory said...

Haha! fall in chocolate!
first time i hear of it, but oh yea, it is so very true!!

btw did u dream of it?! ;P

Ivory said...

OMG! i was just reading this post 'Frontiers of Dreams and Fears'!
boy, its so full of spelling and grammar mistakes!
i know i was sleepy when i wrote this thing, but i never thought i'd write such way! :P
I shouldn’t write at night again!
any way i edited it just now. hope its any better! :P

Mar Yoom said...

Oh I always write my posts when I'm half asleep and wake up and get shocked when I read em, it's natural don't beat yourself up- that's what "edit post" is there for;P

Did I dream of it? Do you even need to ask girl?:P

But that won't cut it, I want the real thing! :)